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Columbus, OH Events
Hans Zimmer
Tue Feb 4 - 7:30PM Nationwide Arena - Columbus, OH
Shane Smith and The Saints
Wed Feb 5 - 7:00PM The Bluestone - Columbus, OH
Molchat Doma
Fri Feb 7 - 7:00PM KEMBA Live! - Columbus, OH
10 Years
Fri Feb 7 - 8:00PM A and R Music Bar - Columbus, OH
Charles Wesley Godwin
Sat Feb 8 - 8:00PM KEMBA Live! - Columbus, OH
Two Friends
Tue Feb 11 - 8:00PM KEMBA Live! - Columbus, OH
Our Pledge To You
Our 100% Guarantee insures that:
Your tickets will arrive before the event.
Your tickets will be the ones you ordered, or better seats than you paid for.