Metallica’s New Guitar Hero Game

27th January 2009 | Category: Concerts | Tags:

Metallica is touring. Of course thats not real news at the moment is it. They’ve been touring for several months and will continue to do so, but what is news is that you can get a preview of some of the music that will be part of their new Guitar Hero game.

Metallica recently revealed the list of tracks for their upcoming video game, which will feature 49 song titles.

28 of those will be Metallica music, while the remainder will be by artists who have toured with them or influenced their music over the years.

The game will feature 49 songs, 28 of which are by Metallica and 21 by artists that have toured with or influenced the band.

‘Broken Beat & Scarred’, ‘Cyanide’ and ‘My Apocalypse’ are just a few of the titles you can expect when you see Metallica in person, and then see them transferred to the video game screen.

Interested in a preview of what you can expect when you pick up the Guitar Hero game?

Check out Metallica on tour by grabbing tickets now to see the band touring from January to April all across the United States.

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