The Weeknd Concert
Do you love The Weeknd and are free on the weekend? Then you’re in luck because he has an upcoming concert. His concert will be on December fifth at 7:30 pm. It will be held at the Oracle Arena in Oakland California. This is going to be a concert to brag about. The concert is also on a Saturday which is very convienient. You can stay out late at the concert, and then sleep in late on Sunday. It’s a win-win. Just imagine getting to see The Weeknd live in concert, you can’t beat that!
The Weeknd Background
The Weeknd whos real name is Abel Tesfaye is a Canadian R&B singer, song writer, and record producer. He was born on February 16th 1990. He has many current popular songs, such as The Hills, Earned It, and I Can’t Feel My Face When I’m With You. His most famous album is “House of Balloons.” He worked his way up in the music industry as any good artist has, and has recently become more popular, and recognized. He is currently on tour, and that’s why he will be presenting this preformance in December. So get yourself prepared for a crazy and long night; well spent with The Weeknd.
The Concert Tickets
You can purchase the tickets online, from our website here at Ticket Center. The prices range from 79 to 618 dollars, depending on the seats that you want to pay for. There is an array of seating options, so you can still get a fairly good seat with out completely breaking the bank. You may want to hurry though as tickets are selling out fast, the concert is coming up quick. If you are a super fan of The Weeknd you can even purchase passes to meet him for 2,571 dollars! Who wouldn’t want to meet the band!? These tickets can be fairly expensive, but you get your moneys worth. You get to be closer to the stage, so you can see everything better. Overall this is a concert not to be missed; it will be a fun night, and you are sure to get your money’s worth with this astounding artist.