Penn and Teller
There is probably no one alive who hasn’t heard of, or seen the magic of Penn and Teller.
Throughout the 80’s and beyond they’ve wowed us with their talent and skill, as well as their attitude.
Penn and Teller began their performing life as part of a trio, billed as Asparagus Valley Cultural Society Playing in San Francisco.
The act at that time was a bit more silly, a bit less edgy than it is today, but still a hit by all standards.
By the mid 80’s Penn and Teller were getting far better than average reviews for an Off Broadway show, and won prestigious awards such as the Emmy for a special on PBS.
Television was next for them, of course, in the natural progression of things, and they made their way across the Late Night with Letterman, Saturday Night Live, Jay Leno’s Tonight Show circuit, as well as numerous other television appearances.
The duo is well known for the edginess of their acts, which often feature gory type tricks that are accomplished in a humorous way, as well as their exposure of frauds, interesting and amusing pranks and their Showtime Network television show, entitled Bullshit.
Penn and Teller have evolved from their quirky little show, into something far more interesting and well worth taking in.
Appearing at the Rio in Vegas just three days after Christmas, Penn and Teller will amaze you.
Grab your tickets now to see Penn and Teller in Vegas this New Years season