A Monster Jam Christmas

11th December 2008 | Category: Sports | Tags:

The holidays are almost on us now and wintertime is kicking into high speed.

What are you going to be doing once the holidays are over and things settle down? Hang out watching television?

We’ve got a better idea.

Instead of sitting around gaining those post holiday pounds and wishing for something to do, why not plan ahead for that midwinter boredom and get some things arranged to keep you smiling through the long cold months of a US winter.

What’s more exciting than the Monster Trucks, making their rounds now in cities all across the US.

The revs, the thrills the absolute death defying feats these guys do in their trucks has kept us all amazed for years.

Doing the rounds of the US cities, the Monster Jam is waiting to end your post holiday doldrums by sending your adrenalin racing and your heart pounding.

Monster Jam is more than just watching… you and your senses are right there participating as they jump, roll and hurdle through their paces. The smells, the sights and the sounds will keep you excited from start to finish of this show, guaranteed to keep you amused, or get you excited when that winter boredom has kicked in and left you lacking some motivation.

What better holiday gift than one that’s going to chase away the winter blues and get your heart pumping and your senses reeling

Give someone you love tickets to Monster Jam for Christmas. While you’re at it, get some for yourself.

Monster Jam

5th November 2008 | Category: Sports | Tags:

As they say in Hollywood, bigger boys like bigger toys, and if the popularity of the Monster Jam says anything at all, it attests to the truth of that statement.

Monster Jam is just what it says. Monster big trucks, tricked out to do amazing stunts and incredible feats.

Trucks with names like Grave Digger, BigFoot, Blue Thunder and The Avenger.

These monsters have been so popular that they now appear in Finland, in Greece and around the globe regularly.

On Tour once more, you can see them across the United States from Albuquerque New Mexico this week, to Iowa in January, to Las Vegas in March.

Lest you think this is a tour that’s designed for the guys only, but the fact of the matter is that they make no less an impact on the females in the audience than the do the males. Even females are enthralled by the things they could do and the absolute precision with which it’s done by these giant toys that would dwarf house.

Interesting in seeing a taste of what’s in store for you when you buy your Monster Jam tickets?

It’s breathtaking, exciting and amusing, and it will certainly prevent the winter boredom.

If you don’t don anything else all winter, grab those tickets and get out and see Monster Jam.